Fiction about Sacrifice Maid for luxury t-girls

Sacrifice MAID for luxury tg

I was once a gardener for a very wealthy man named Mr. Smith. I worked hard every day and took pride in my work. My parents were very poor and therefore I had to find a job right after high school that would give me some money if I ever hoped to go to college. I was 22 years old and lived in a dingy apartment as well. Mr. Smith was always a good boss to me, and one day he approached me with a proposition. He told me that in the four years that I’d worked for him I’d been one of his best employees and that I deserved better than a gardener with a life in a shady apartment. He offered me a job inside the mansion where i would have a room provided for me though there mifght be some changes in for me. Disregarding this brief warning, I immediately agreed. “Wonderful,” Mr. smith said, “I think tou’ll enjoy your new job and life much more than your current ones.” With that, he had some men go to my apartment to transprot my belongings.I was excited for my new life though I had no idea how new it would actually be.

Primary Femininity ( Crossdressers and Transgender Women)

Like Mother, Like Son
I have been reading the old Drag magazines that are accessible at Internet Archive and the following article from a 1978 issue (volume 7, number 26) of the magazine fascinated me.
Boys Should Be Girls
LOS ANGELES  A University of California psychoanalyst says all little boys start life by wishing they were little girls.
This thesis, voice by Dr. Robert Stollar [sic], contradicts the theory of Sigmund Freud, who concluded that all little girls subconsciously wished they were little boys.
Dr. Stollar [sic] told a meeting of the American As­sociation for the Advancement of Science that it was "only natural that all babies would want to be girls because the mother, not the father, is the parent with whom they identify first.''
The doctor says he has treated hundreds of male patients who had trouble switching their ''gender identity" as they grew older. Earlier in life, they had all wanted to be girls, he said.
If this is indeed true, then TVs and TSs are the only people in society who are following their nor­mal God-given urges!
I looked the doctor up and found that he's Dr. Stoller, not Stollar. Wikipedia expands a bit on what the Drag magazine article said.
Drawing on his extensive research with transsexuals and new advances in the science of sex, Stoller advances his belief in "Primary Femininity," the initial orientation of both biological tissue and psychological identification toward feminine development. This early, non-conflictual phase contributes to a feminine core gender identity in both boys and girls unless a masculine force is present to interrupt the symbiotic relationship with the mother.
That fits me perfectly, like a size 14 dress!

Source: MyHabit
Wearing A.B.S. by Allen Schwartz.

Abraham Placencio, Kenneth Ansloan, Matthew Bubb
Abraham Placencio as Angelica del Rio, Kenneth Ansloan as Joan
Crawford and Matthew Bubb as Marilyn Monroe on stage in
The Joan Crawford Marilyn Monroe Christmas Show (1997).

Fiction about Trapped in this body transgender

Trapped in this body transgender

Throughout my life, I’ve always been successful. I graduated from Harvard at 20 years old and was immediately hired by a high end business corporation. It was just my luck that the CEO was an elderly man who was on his way to retiring. The owner of the company, who was very active with his business, needed to find a new one. Out of the blue, i was called in to the office. After the boss explained that he needed a guy to take over that had determination and guts, he told me that the company was moving forward with me as the CEO. It was totally unexpected and there I was, 29 years old and in charge of a multi million dollar business. I continued to push my company to new heights , and after a year of hard work, I earned a company paid vacation to anywhere I chose. I chose to go to Hawaii, but before I went to leave, a business associate of mine told me about a way to make my vacation more unique and interesting.

I’m Batgirl

My favorite comic book superhero was Batman. Whereas the other superheroes had all the super powers, Batman had all the cool gadgets, a cool costume, headquartered in a cave and used the bat for his symbol ― can't get much cooler than that!

Pop worked in the comic book factory that printed the Marvel line of comic books, but he had to have a kid who preferred a character from a competing line of comic books. I appreciated the Marvel superheroes and read many of their books religiously, but Batman was always Number 1.

Fast-forward to Halloween 1995 and in honor of my favorite superhero, I attended my support group's Halloween party dressed as my version of Batgirl. I recently unearthed and scanned photos from that Halloween and here they are ― most of them seeing the light of the Internet for the first time.

Source: Brahmin
Wearing Brahmin.

Robin as a voluptuous Marie Antoinette in a 1946
installment of the Batman And Robin daily comic strip.