Crossdressing sexy fiction felix


They say that the show must go on. For Felix, however, the show had been going on and on and
on… The show in question was the Saturday Night Hypnosis Show at the Palladium, hosted by
the Great Simon, where, watched by 200 people, Felix was hypnotised on-stage along with a
group of other volunteers. Sounds harmless right? But what if! told you that while on stage, Felix
had been hypnotised to act increasingly feminine for a short while every time he heard a trigger
word? And what if I told you that for a bit of fun, the Great Simon hadn’t completely brought
Felix out of his hypnotic state? Still not so bad? Okay then, what if! told you that one one of the
200 audience members was Felix ‘s younger sister Tori, whom he had spent much of their
childhood bullying and treating with contempt? Now you get the picture!

Retirement Age

"Telling us we should or shouldn't wear certain items is an easy way to make us take pause. Every woman is allowed to dictate her own personal style and what makes her feel best. That being said, we've all come to a time when we've stopped and asked ou...

Should I Stay or Should I Go?

Just finishing two weeks' vacation.It was wonderful taking two weeks off back-to-back. I have not done that in a long time, but with so much vacation time on my hands, I figured, "Why not!"I mostly hung around town. I did some home repairs that I have ...

Curious X 3

Billy Kennedy (right) in BBC One's adaptation of The Boy in the Dress.1David Walliams authored a popular kids' book titled The Boy in the Dress.And World Book Day is an annual event intended to encourage reading.Schools around the world celebrate ...

Crossdressing today


As the drugs finally began to pass out of her system, Alex awoke with a start to unfamiliar sur-

roundings. Where she had been expecting to wake up, as she did traditionally, in her own bed, she

found that this was not the case. Instead she was in a dark room, with a splitting headache, and an

enormous unease throughout her whole body.