Crossdressing valentine an aiko story fiction


Two weeks had passed and Aiko was still waiting for a Valentine ‘s date. It wasn’t
that the boys in her class didn’t find her attractive, it wasn’t even that they didn’t
want to date her, in fact. they would do anything for Aiko. And there lay the
problem… Aiko had announced to the boys in the class that to be her Valentine
you didn’t need to give her flowers…or a card…or even write poetry…all you had
to do was take one of the heart shaped candies that lay in a bowl on the edge of
her desk. Everyone knew strange things happened to boys who ate Aiko’s candy,
rumours of it’s addictiveness and how after a single bite. boys would do anything
for another circulated. These went hand 0. hand with stories of what exactly Aiko
would make you do before giving you that precious second helping and so a
stand-off ensued…

Presents truth sissy fiction


errrr….her name is Madeline… ‘ tars began gingerly, glancing at his already frowning girlfriend. ‘…back when l was a
student I had a job at McDonalds for a while… we worked the drive-thru together. ‘ Kylie was beckoning for him to continue
and the audience were listening in silence. ‘It was really boring sometimes and we were young you know…sometimes when
it was really quiet we would fool around and do it right there in the booth. ‘ A cameraman shifted position to get a better
close-up of his girlfriend, who was now seething with jealousy. ‘Eventually. we got up the courage to pleasure each other
while we were leaning through the window taking orders, it was so tough…when she was blowing me I could barely hear
what the customers were saying…

Whatever happened to crossdresser p-l-richards fiction


This week on Flashback Friday we revisit a familiar face in a not-so-familiar body. T’g aptioner p-l-richards found himself facing the wrath of Femnonymous as they sought to e an example of him to other cappers. Once captured, he was surgically transformed y the shadowy group and forced to use his creativity once more to pen the fates of others

Sissy crossdressing versus sissy transgender fiction


See you later.” Three words that set the cogs in motion…of everything that would transpire, but more
specifically and crucially, the gears in the minds of Jared and Rory as they watched Aunt Clarissa leave for
work. She wasn’t their real aunt of course. most aunts aren’t. she was one of those aunts who were actually
just an unspecified family friend. the title of ‘aunt’ bestowed upon them to ensure respect. With Clarissa the
title just stuck. even when the boys reached their late teens. It made even less sense when you realise that
Jared and Rory aren ‘t even related and that Clarissa was the mutual best-friend of their respective mothers,
who over the years had made the most of their friendships by sending the boys to stay with their ‘aunt’ near
the sea whenever they felt like a quiet weekend.

Server upgrade an aikocrossdresser fiction request


Aiko pursed her lips together with temptation as she sat impatiently on the stuffed-toy covered bed in her college dorm-room. She fidgeted with her sissy skirt as she watched the young computer techie sitting at her desk, tapping away furiously at the keys of her laptop, attempting to get it working again. Young as he was for a staff member, he was still a few years older than Aiko ‘s usual targets, but that didn ‘t stop Aiko from getting that familiar itch. She gazed at his slender figure hunched over while his fingers danced across her keyboard, every now and again he would stop to scratch his short brown hair and Aiko would find her determination to have her way grow ever stronger.

The transgender prototype fiction


Ash strolled back into the lounge and sighed loudly. She was still there… It wasn ‘t supposed to
be like this at all…it was supposed to be great, she was going to make him meals and tidy up
after him and stuff, not this… His mother was still sitting in the armchair with her legs curled up
to her chest, a sketchpad on her knees while she drew frantically. Since losing her job at the toy
company, it was all she did, worlu’ng on some ‘big new idea ‘ that would be her key back into
business. For Ash it was just a key to getting in the way. He couldn ‘t watch what wanted on TV,
couldn ‘t invite who he wanted around, couldn ‘t listen to the music he wanted or at the volume
he wanted…he couldn ‘t even walk around the house naked. His mother wouldn ‘t approve
basically, she still saw him as her sweet uncorrupted angel… To make things worse she kept
staring at him… Every now and again, she would look up from her work and just study him. like
he was a painting in a gallery or something…

Tgirls perfect day crossdressing fiction


Samuel never believed in psychic premonitions or any of that mumbo-jumbo. So it took him completely by
surprise when he saw the vintage dress for sale at the consignment shop, and he knew, he just knew, that
he’d just laid eyes on the perfect dress for the perfect woman. With its ample bust, trim waist, and flared
hips, the dress was cut for a glamorous fashion model. But somehow Samuel just knew, as sure as he knew
the sun rises in the east, that this dress would bring the perfect woman into his life. So he bought it on the
spot and took it home.