Thinking About Laser Hair Removal (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)

Thinking About Laser Hair Removal?Be the best MTF crossdresser/transgender you can be! Unwanted hair is a girl’s worst nightmare. It looks awful and takes a lot of time and attention to get rid of. Then, we have to deal with the aftermath of razor burn, ingrown hairs, redness, and irritation. Wouldn’t it just be better […]

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Top 6 Makeup Tips for Transgender Women (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)

Your face is the first thing people notice about you. That means your makeup can make or break a feminine first impression. Does your makeup application look more drag queen than beauty queen? Or have you mastered the art of subtle, beautiful makeup? No matter what your skill level, there are a few key strategies that apply to everybody. Read... Continue Reading

3 Ways to Get Your Summer Body Ready (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)


Summer Body Basics

It is getting pretty close to summer and many of us want to have our summer bodies in tact. This may include fabulous arms or fabulous abs and many want to leave no stone unturned when it comes to this. Momentum is a central part of summer exercise. It’s normal to have those weeks when everything goes correctly: You do all your exercises, eat like a health nut and begin to think, ‘I may completely accomplish this!’

Then ‘it’ materializes. ‘It’ may be a vacation, an illness…something that throws you off your game, or you just become bored with it. Getting back to our routine can be painstaking unoriginal and is constantly tough, partly as you’ve lost that momentum. We already realize that an crossdress object at rest tends to remain at rest, so getting going again is the only way to get your momentum moving.

Rather than caring about making up for lost time with intense exercises, center on simply getting some simple exercise time in short periods of time. There have been studies that show 10 minutes of moderate exercises three times a day can be just as equal to a full extreme workout.  Plan your exercises for the week.

Crossdresser Sitting, Talking, Walking, and appropriate body language (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)


The intention of every T-girl is to portray the image of a woman in such a completely convincing way so as to make everyone “she” comes into contact with believe that “she” is a real woman.Practice makes perfection and most T-girls have been doing what they do long enough to know how to perfect their look. In no particular order, here are some of the key mistakes many, very attractive, very beautiful T-girls make:

Crossdressing Feminization (For Crossdressers and MTF Transgender Women)

Can we still look like transgender women when we’re down to nothing?
If your lifestyle will afford you the option, the final leg of your fem development is often looking female without the help of much else. Now I’m not referring to you sisters that have hormonally enhanced hips and silicone filled breasts. I’m talking to gals like me that fight the grind of rapid hair growth, with hips narrower than your shoulders and not much fem elsewhere.

A crossdresser’s guide to stepping out (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)



I am going to start with an assumption. I will assume that you are a crossdresser who has come to the realization that hiding in your own personal closet is stifling your personal growth as a whole human being. You need to get out into the world! But you don’t go out because you are afraid of what the world will say. You are sure that you will be rejected by everyone with whom you have the most fleeting contact; that they will make fun of you. Further, you don’t think you will ever look good enough to go unnoticed in the outside world.

Well, there is hope. I have just described the early feelings of almost every crossdresser with whom I have discussed this subject. On the other hand, there are a large number of ETVC members who are perfectly willing to brave the outside world, and do it without incident. The purpose of this article is to help you notice some of the things you must address to make a successful transition.

How to Properly Maintain and Care for Micro-Ring Hair Extensions Men (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)


Micro-ring hair extensions, no matter how well they are attached nor how fine the quality of the hair that you’ve chosen, still require proper care in order to last for four months and beyond. Hair extensions are quite expensive, so it’s likely that you’ll want to take every measure to preserve their longevity and appearance. Similarly, you’ll want to avoid anything that would affect their quality or result in premature removal. Tatiana Hair Extensions, one of London’s top-rated hair extensions salons, has suggested a number of ways to properly care for your micro-ring hair extensions.