mysteria adventure-111

Notice : Release every 3 days

Meanwhile, a different couple is celebrating the new year in their own way. Chris and Izzy have taken their relationship to the next level and have gotten an apartment together. However, this isn’t the only new chapter in Isabelle’s life.

mysteria adventure-108

Notice : Release every 3 days

The leader of the sorcerer world would like to meet with the group to find out what happened and to thank them for their heroism. However, the Archchancellor won’t be the only leader at the meeting…

mysteria adventure-106

Notice : Release every 3 days

Even though she’s upset with Chris for not seeing through Russell’s lies at first, she is overwhelmingly relieved that he did come back for her. Meanwhile, the logout buttons have finally been re-enabled, and everyone can go home!

mysteria adventure-104

Notice : Release every 3 days

Russell’s plan has completely fallen apart, and without his tablet his options are running out. If he can’t get the sorcerer body he’s always wanted, he can still kill off all the witnesses to his crimes before they are freed.