Sex tips and the Part Time Transgender Girl (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)


I visited a lot of my sister’s home pages. However, I had yet to see any girl take the subject of t-sex – head on. ::)) Being somewhat of the Net’s ask me anything t-chick, I’ve decided to do so. Those of you who “transgender” know me personally would agree: shyness – is not the first word that comes to mind when you think of Renee. LOL

Woman at Work: Final Thoughts

I hope you enjoyed my live blog yesterday. The extraordinary high hit count (almost 8,000 pageviews) indicates that many of you checked back to keep up with the progress of my day. I thank you for your loyalty and interest.

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On the way home from work, I stopped by the Meriden Westfield mall. This once vibrant mall has declined like so many other malls and it was depressing to be there.

Since I bought a new dress and suit at Dress Barn during lunch, I really was not looking for more clothes. Rather, I was looking to buy something to address a skin issue I have. So I went to Ulta for a solution, but all they offered was something to hide the  issue rather than correct it.

Next, I looked for help at the makeup counters in Macy's, but I could not find a sales associate to assist me. So I high-heeled it out of there and drove home.

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When I arrived home, I tried on the suit that I bought at Dress Barn. Ever since I walked out of the store with that suit, I had buyer's remorse. Usually, I don't like the way I look in suits and I was not completely sold when I tried the new suit on in Dress Barn. But I was caught up in the moment and bought the suit anyway.

Trying the suit on at home confirmed my doubts and I will return it today for a refund.

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So why do I do go to work presenting as a woman on Halloween?

As I wrote last year, I love doing it, but there is a small ray of hope that someday I will be able to go to work (and go everywhere else) as a woman all the time. My Halloween fling is a test for me and my co-workers for when that wonderful day finally arrives and I think we all passed.

Source: Eloquii
Wearing Eloquii.

Contestants in a North Carolina womanless beauty pageant in 1955.
Contestants in a North Carolina womanless beauty pageant in 1955.

Purse First

Two weeks ago, I mentioned a Huffington Post article about a youngster who planned dress up as his hero, Bob the Drag Queen, for Halloween. Zoe alerted me that there is a follow-up article describing the youngster's Halloween night out dressed as his hero. The story includes a video and both are very heart-warming.

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Catherine wrote that following the recent mention in Femulate of stockings, she wanted to alert us all to Gio Stockings in the UK. They are one of the world's few remaining manufacturers of the full-fashioned stockings and need as much support as possible. Their website is and a sample of their offerings appear in the image below.

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Starla complained (and I concurred) that one thing bugs her about the film Tootsie. In the early scenes, before Dustin Hoffman's character gets the inspiration to masquerade as a woman, you can see clearly that his eyebrows are already plucked and thinned to within an inch of their lives!

Starla added, "I know they film out of sequence and that Hoffman spent a lot of time in makeup and costume tests (and even real-life tests in which he interacted as Dorothy anonymously in public to see if he was believable as a woman) before filming even began, but jeez, didn't anyone think to have them add some more masculine fake brows for those early scenes?"

Source: Reformation
Wearing Reformation.

Christian Siriano
Designer Christian Siriano femulates a mermaid for Halloween. 

Sissy maid workshop a request for missywilliams fiction


Want some advice with handling your rowdy sons? Just feminize them!”

My son Cole was one of the biggest delinquents I ever met, and I decided that he needed to act more like a woman, nicer, sweeter, prettier! So I began making him listen to feminization hypnosis tapes at night, and over time he began to
comply much more with my orders! Soon enough, he was the most loyal little

Still Shocking after All These Years?

Starla still makes new womanless findings in those old high school yearbooks and when she does, she sends them to me to pass on to you. Her latest finding from the 1998 Naperville (Illinois) Central High School yearbook has a story to accompany the pho...