Crossdressing fiction you won’t notice i’m here tg


Carl, for the hundredth times go to your room” Lucy screamed. ”I can’t let my friends see you”. Lucy was having a party while her parents are away but her brother Carl wanted to join the fun. ”Don’t worry Lucy” Carl said. The he started to clutch his fist and then he started to change. Carl grew up a few ages, then his hair grew past her shoulders. Then his face reform, soon Carl had the face of a teen girl. Next Carl whole skeleton convert into more of a female appearance. Soon he loss muscle mas from his arms and legs. And his chest nipples started to harden boobs started to grow.

Sissy fiction replacement tg


Alex I need your help” Kara asked ”What is it sis” Alex said. ”Well you know that you owe me, after saving your butt from getting in trouble with mom and dad after that party you ran” Kara said. ”Yeah” Alex said in a questionable tone. ”Well I have to go to a party at Mary’s house, but I have a date with Steve. I really want to go to Mary/(’5 part but Steve is a nice guy and I don’t want to brea his heart.

Crossdressing fiction finding the girl


lt can be tough finding the one. any one in fact. but when you live in one of the
most romantic countries in the world. as Lorenzo did. and you still can’t get a
second know you have to alter your strategy a little. Desperate boys
call for desperate measures…or maybe just desperate girls… living in Italy,
Lorenzo had of course heard the stories about the mysterious little town. which
lay somewhere between Milan and Palermo. named Femini. inhabited only by
women but for the domineering ‘Padre’. Those girls have likely never even seen
another guy, Lorenzo theorised. if only l could find a way in to the village. I bet l
could have my pick of any of them…

Sissy fiction d’ya even lift sis


Hello Marek want to play a game. From the very beginning you have been the so-called ‘9
muscle of your thuggish sex-trafficking gang, lending a hand, or a fist, wherever necessary
to enforce your compatriots ‘will, and having your fair share of the group ‘s ‘merchandise
But now…well. it’s time to see how strong you really are… When you agreed to turn ll:
evidence against your boss and go into police protection. you thought your troubles were miover, that noone would ever find you…. Well Marek. l found you…and it’s time to see how“ ”g strong you really are… You have been fitted with a state-of-the-art female bodysuit that i will bind with your skin forever in one hour unless you can prove just how much you can lift

Crossdressing fiction on the fly


How many times do I have to tell you not to play down here?‘ Alan screamed with exasperation after almost falling over his eight year old daughter, Stephanie. She
cowered in one corner of his basement turned workshop, just a few feet from the
scattered electrical components which her dad had spilt everywhere whilst trying to
avoid stepping on her. ‘It ‘s just not safe sweetheart… ‘ he cooled his temper a little but
remained firm, ‘…there are so many dangerous things down here. ‘ He watch his
frightened daughter scurry up the stone steps to wards the main part of the house,
satisfied that perhaps finally he ‘d got his message across. Turning back to his work, he
sighed in awe at his creation. The two huge pods stood ominously in opposing corners of
the basement…finished…

TG fiction raider of the last panties



To say Ralph was good at panty raids was a massive understatement. He was
the absolute king of the g-string. In 18 months at college he had raided his frat’s
sister sorority six times and amassed 27 pairs of underwear, which now hung
from his bedroom wall like trophies with the exception of a black latex thong
from the drawers of the sorority’s president that took pride of place in the
fratemity’s TV room.

Feminization fiction tg caption abducted


OMG are what has happened” Tony thought when he lost his
balance and he fell down on the floor because the heels of his
shoes rose with 3 lnches with in a minute. As he lay on the floor he
noticed that he was having long hair, a feminine body and that he
was wearing female clothes. ‘I’he last thing that he could remember
wast hat he put on the televlsion when a biue ray of llght hit him.
In a blur, he could remember that he was beamed up to an UFO. In
that UFO they conducted all kind of experiments with him including
molding his body using a strange device. First he got two heads and
three legs and after that they stretched his neck so that he looked
like a giraffe. At the end of the experiment Tony was beamed down
were he fell on the floor because he was wearing high heels of at
least 3 inches.

Feminization fiction malfunction swap


“This is so wrong.” Joshua stated as he kept unbuttoning his blouse. “I need
no stop. but look at these,” he uttered as he gripped his tits and moaned
because of that. “This is so good. Professor Carroll’s body is so sensitive
and it’s so hot.” Joshua kept exclaiming as he continued exploring his current
body after a long resistance.