Presents truth sissy fiction


errrr….her name is Madeline… ‘ tars began gingerly, glancing at his already frowning girlfriend. ‘…back when l was a
student I had a job at McDonalds for a while… we worked the drive-thru together. ‘ Kylie was beckoning for him to continue
and the audience were listening in silence. ‘It was really boring sometimes and we were young you know…sometimes when
it was really quiet we would fool around and do it right there in the booth. ‘ A cameraman shifted position to get a better
close-up of his girlfriend, who was now seething with jealousy. ‘Eventually. we got up the courage to pleasure each other
while we were leaning through the window taking orders, it was so tough…when she was blowing me I could barely hear
what the customers were saying…

Sunday evening crossdressing outing

Sunday was an evening out for this girl as I attended a surprise birthday party for Audrey, one of my long-time trans girlfriends. The venue was Real Art Ways, a non-profit art space in Hartford, where I have attended their monthly "creative cocktail p...

Shopping Like a Woman

Femulate reader Missy wrote, "Since you seem to me to be so very comfortable with who you are it would be great to read more about you. For instance, how do you maintain your confidence when you shop for clothes, shoes, ... I am always so intimidated I have ended up buying everything but pantyhose online and consequently not always getting what I want."

Shopping en femme is so much better than shopping online.

If an item doesn't fit, you put it back on the rack and try on another size. If an item doesn't look good on you, you put it back on the rack and try on something else. You don't have to deal with the time and expense that returning an online purchase entails.

Shopping en femme also is an affirmation of my feminine gender. Shopping among other women, I blend in and become another woman. Typically, the other women are concentrating on shopping and not on me. They may be aware of my physical presence, but will assume that I am just another girl hunting for a bargain.

While browsing through the racks, I always encounter other women doing the same. They may look up momentarily to see who the other bargain hunter is and when they don't recognize me, they return to the hunt. Sometimes they may offer a friendly smile or a pleasant "hello." Rarely am I the target of daggers aimed at a man in a dress.

My last shopping experience was typical. I spent about an hour in the Misses department of the local JCPenney's perusing the racks and going back and forth to the dressing room to try on my finds. During that hour, I encountered a lot of customers doing the same and I noticed none of the other bargain hunters paying any attention to me.

However, I did not go unnoticed. A few people who were not busy shopping noticed me. A woman, who had finished shopping and waiting to pay for her finds, checked me out while she was in line at the cashier. I also noticed two saleswomen checking me out.

Perhaps they were just checking me out because they were impressed with the way I look. Or maybe they suspected I was en femme and were trying to confirm their suspicions.

Whatever... although some salespeople noticed me, I have never had a salesperson give me a hard time. Their job is to make a sale, so if the customer looks like a duck, then treat the customer like a duck and everything will be ducky.

While on the subject of looking like a duck, while I am shopping en femme, I try to be as womanly as possible. I concentrate on carrying myself like a woman, speaking like a woman, acting like a woman. It is no time to fall back into my guy ways. And after making a concerted effort to pass, it begins to come naturally and I have to concentrate less and less on passing and just enjoy being a woman.

 As I was looking through the racks at JCPenney, a middle-aged woman (probably younger than I) approached me and asked, "Can I ask you a question?"

I had no idea what she was going to ask ("What time is it?" "Where did you buy your shoes?" "Are you a tranny?"). I girded my loins, smiled and agreed to answer her question.

"You're dressed fashionably, so I'd like your opinion about a pair of slacks I was thinking about buying."

Wow! I certainly did not see that coming!

We discussed the merits of the slacks. I did not like what she had picked out and suggested something with a bolder pattern. She admitted that she really did not like what she had picked out and liked my suggestion better.

I pointed out a skirt with a pattern similar to what I had in mind. Her eyes lit up as she said, "I saw slacks with that pattern. Now I just have to find them again! Thank-you for your help."

"Good luck," I said.

Then I took a deep breath.

“Oh, my God!” I screamed to myself, "I am a woman!"

(Caveat Emptor: This post is a repurposing of posts from the past.)

Source: Intermix
Wearing Intermix.

James Charles
CoverGirl spokesperson James Charles

Sissy zoe ‘s new sex toy fiction


The fittle brown bird fluttered, leaping from branch to branch. stopping only to glance up at the window momentarily as it continued on its merry way. Freely, it sang softly. taunting him. Felix was no ornothologist but he guessed it could be a mockingbird. It would have been appropriate anyway. he mused as he watched it soar away. leaving him alone in his cage. Sighing with frustration.

Monday Halloween

My favorite working girl photo.Monday is Halloween (as if you didn't know) and I plan to go to work as a woman for the fifth consecutive Halloween (seven Halloweens overall).Like last year, I will attempt a "live blog." I will compose and post blog ent...