Fiction about tg caption peeping


Peter and Joana were best friends sinc their childhood. Both were very confident in each other and didn’t have secrets. At least it was what Joana thought. What she didn’t know (actually nobody knew) is that Peter had a crush in her since way back. Every week, he used to go to Joana’s house and stay there until the night. So, it was common to Joana take a shower while he was there, while he stayed in her room.
But one day, Peter found something interesting. There was a little hole in the wall of the room, and from that hole he could see the bathroom. It was amazing for him. See the girl of his dreams naked was Just awesome. So, he bgun to peek everytim she would bathe. But after two months doing that, he got caught. He put the eye in the hole, but saw no one
He looked to Joana, standing in his side. ~Joana. I swear. it’s not what you are thinking!-
-Come on Joana, you are my best frien…-

Fiction about the trr 577 gun (transformed into female)


We knew the American military was working on a new secret weapon that could crush anyone who stood in their way. So, I was tasked to go undercover for the Soviet Union and uncover this plot by the evil American empire.

After several months of investigating, I soon got access to the labs and stole their new weapon the TRR-577. All I know is that when used, it’ll turn anyone into passive, submissive humans. If America was going to take over the world one day, this is what
they’d use.