Transgender party princess


How was I supposed to dress for a party if I’d never been to one before?! Until a few weeks before
I’d never even spoken to a girl! Until a few weeks before I’d been a guy! But I did want to go. I did
want to support my new friends. and I did want to be included. I loved how nice everyone was to
me. how supportive and friendly and sometimes flirty. I never kept up with any flirtation. I just got
too flustered but I liked it all the same.

Crossdressing sexy fiction felix


They say that the show must go on. For Felix, however, the show had been going on and on and
on… The show in question was the Saturday Night Hypnosis Show at the Palladium, hosted by
the Great Simon, where, watched by 200 people, Felix was hypnotised on-stage along with a
group of other volunteers. Sounds harmless right? But what if! told you that while on stage, Felix
had been hypnotised to act increasingly feminine for a short while every time he heard a trigger
word? And what if I told you that for a bit of fun, the Great Simon hadn’t completely brought
Felix out of his hypnotic state? Still not so bad? Okay then, what if! told you that one one of the
200 audience members was Felix ‘s younger sister Tori, whom he had spent much of their
childhood bullying and treating with contempt? Now you get the picture!

Crossdressing today


As the drugs finally began to pass out of her system, Alex awoke with a start to unfamiliar sur-

roundings. Where she had been expecting to wake up, as she did traditionally, in her own bed, she

found that this was not the case. Instead she was in a dark room, with a splitting headache, and an

enormous unease throughout her whole body.

Sissy crossdressing fiction one of the girl night


So there I was, two months after becoming a girl, on the dance floor, surrounded by beau-
tiful women professing to being my friends, with a man way too close to me. I could smell
his aftershave, and feel the warmth coming from his body. I wasn’t sure how I felt about
him. His handsomeness was intoxicating, every time I looked at him I got more confused,
and the more I felt his warmth, the more I began to feel something blooming within.

Transgender fiction i love bad boy to girl


I was falling for my worst enemy. I’d have thought the transformation into a woman would have
been the strangest thing that ever happened to me. But sitting across from him at our private
dining table, laughing at his jokes, and staring into his baby blue eyes, all that bottled hatred
of the years was slowly flowing away. I couldn’t help but just feel he was so sweet and so
hardworking and so perfect. When he asked to see me again Ijumped at the chance, even
though the evening was far from over.

Crossdressing fiction one of the t-girls


Inst a pill. inst a pill and then I’ll be a woman? I never knew it could be that easy. Should it be that
easy? Should it be that easy to change your entire person, your entire life. in a matter of seconds?
The pills themselves were a work in progress. and the company marketing them had a contract as
thick as a phone book for me to sign. and the litany of risks that catne with any procedure like that
was enough to make tny head spin. I wasn’t even sure if that was what I wanted. or if I was maybe
going too far looking for somewhere to belong. I still hadn’t tried chess club yet, leaping into anoth-
er body. potentially dangerously, definitely permanently. was a huge decision for an eighteen year
old to make. That was what tnade it so surprising when I felt the slight resistance of pen on paper,
and then the flourish of a signature. My life. signed away. but my soul. hopefully free.

Sissy fiction i guess i love ladyboys


So a few hours later I was in a very interesting position. Hopefully the only interesting position I
would be in that night. Not only had I transformed into a woman a few months earlier, not only
was I now going on a date with a man, not only was I very excited about going on a date with a
man, but I was going on a date with my worst enemy. The thought of it was so ugly and repellent,
and yet I couldn’t wipe the fucking smile off my face. What was I doing to myself? Was it some-
thing to do with my new body? There was this strange excitement running through me that I
couldn’t control. He’d been there, and then we were talking, and then he left with my phone

Sexy sissy fiction tg caption spellbook


After finding a book on his hotel room Andrew started reading the book. What Andrew did
not know that this book contained a gender bender spell while reading it Andrew softly
pronounced the gender bender spell. After the spell was pronounced Andrew feit a tickling all
over his body, his skin became soft, his breasts began to swell, his manhood disappeared and
his hair began to grow.