Crossdressing valentine an aiko story fiction


Two weeks had passed and Aiko was still waiting for a Valentine ‘s date. It wasn’t
that the boys in her class didn’t find her attractive, it wasn’t even that they didn’t
want to date her, in fact. they would do anything for Aiko. And there lay the
problem… Aiko had announced to the boys in the class that to be her Valentine
you didn’t need to give her flowers…or a card…or even write poetry…all you had
to do was take one of the heart shaped candies that lay in a bowl on the edge of
her desk. Everyone knew strange things happened to boys who ate Aiko’s candy,
rumours of it’s addictiveness and how after a single bite. boys would do anything
for another circulated. These went hand 0. hand with stories of what exactly Aiko
would make you do before giving you that precious second helping and so a
stand-off ensued…

An executive decision crossdressing fiction


Matt leant against the wall in the alley behind the bar counting his tips before hurredly stuffing the wad of cash into his leather purse. Man, this job as a feminised bunny boy sure did suck but at least it brought in a lot more money than what he was doing before.

He pulled a fur jacket over his bare shoulders and started to stumble his way home, still
getting used to high heels.

Crossdressing sissy maid on friday fiction


Staff.’ ‘m gave her best drill seargeant impression, ‘assenrble’ rim tried not
to squirm with discomfort as he stood to attention next to Bridgette. It was back.: that
feeling of intense shame and humiliation that he had somehow managed to push to the
back of his mind over the past few months had returned with a vengeance at the
thought of being confronted by an outsider, his parole officer no less. Mrs. Smith came
down the line and inspected his french maid uniform. adjusting his stockings, tightening
his apron and meticulously examining his makeup. She was just finishing up when the
apartment elevator pinged and the doors opened revealing an overweight balding man
somewhat perplexed by the sight before him. His parole officer, ‘Remember what we
discussed.” Mrs. Smith hissed sharply, ‘I will be listening and if every answer is not what
we practiced, I ‘ll make sure you’re back behind bars before the end of the week.’,’

TG Caption – Actress G fiction

TG Caption – Actress G fiction


He was still doing his job as a cameraman but, because of an unforseen event, he also began to start acting.
After the ”Red Hood“ movie, he could have stopped and choose to remain as a cameraman. That was his
dreamjob after all. But, seeing how everyone was complimenting on his acting as red hood, he developped a
liking to acting.

Tg Caption – Clean your room fiction



It was summer and as always he still hadn’t clean his room. His mother was angry at him and yelled every single day for a whole month till he finally promised to clean it up. But he didn’t. Yet, his Mum had believed in him and invited her own friends to dinner. She felt so humiliated by her own son that she decided to take harsh mesures : she send her son to a trip.

Presents truth sissy fiction


errrr….her name is Madeline… ‘ tars began gingerly, glancing at his already frowning girlfriend. ‘…back when l was a
student I had a job at McDonalds for a while… we worked the drive-thru together. ‘ Kylie was beckoning for him to continue
and the audience were listening in silence. ‘It was really boring sometimes and we were young you know…sometimes when
it was really quiet we would fool around and do it right there in the booth. ‘ A cameraman shifted position to get a better
close-up of his girlfriend, who was now seething with jealousy. ‘Eventually. we got up the courage to pleasure each other
while we were leaning through the window taking orders, it was so tough…when she was blowing me I could barely hear
what the customers were saying…

Sissy zoe ‘s new sex toy fiction


The fittle brown bird fluttered, leaping from branch to branch. stopping only to glance up at the window momentarily as it continued on its merry way. Freely, it sang softly. taunting him. Felix was no ornothologist but he guessed it could be a mockingbird. It would have been appropriate anyway. he mused as he watched it soar away. leaving him alone in his cage. Sighing with frustration.

Sissy inverted tg caption fiction

Sissy inverted tg caption fiction


It wasn’t long before Aaron and Chloe found mensselves arriving at the studio again, ready for Grace’s last outing as a model. Aaron had agreed to do thls last shoot only because lt pald cash. lle could bare belng a gothlc doll for a day lf lt meant that he ended up with a thicker wallet afterwards.
The two of them were greeted at reoeptlon by the photographer from the Angel’s Grace shoot whose name was Darren. He handed Aaron. fully dressed as Grace. a sheet of paper and explained it was [mt legal jargon that she needed to sign.