Crossdressing raider of the last panties fiction


Ralph hammered desperately on the front door of the sorority house, praying they would open before anyone could see him. He was painfully out of breath, collecting the panties had been a close call as, on going for the pair in the fraternity TV room, he had found several of his frat brothers lying in a drunken stupour on the sofa. He had been able to retrieve the thong from the wall just as they were waking up and fortunately in their hungover state they hadn ‘t recognised him. This still hadn ‘t stopped them chasing him halfway across campus… Now, finally back where it all began, the corset held his torso in an iron grip preventing him from catching his wind and keeping him in a state of breathless exhaustion.

Remote control a request for crossdressing fiction


Watch this… ‘ Alex winked at her two girlfriends as she grabbed the television remote control and pointed in at the three buxom maids pouting in the middle of the living room floor. A few taps of the plus next to the word ‘volume ‘ later and all three girls had visibly increased several notches in breast size. Her friends gasped in surprise and delight but the subjects of the alterations seemed much less impressed.

Crossdressing come together fiction


Frank and Louise were having serious man’iage problems. Their
communication had completely broken down and they spent more time
arguing than not. they just couldn’t see eye to eye on anything anymore. In
one last attempt to save their failing relationship. Louise found a local
alternative therapist online that promised to repair their mane and
restore their love to what is was when they first met. With some persuasion
Frank agreed to give it a go.

Sissy crossdressing lost forever fiction


Hey, are you sure about this?‘ called out Harry as he maneuvered his jetski to follow the one driven by his best friend, Joel, as they approached the shore of the tropical island, ‘that guy that lent us these skis said some of these islands are inhabited by tribes who can be aggressive towards outsiders.‘

Relax,‘ smirked Joel, ‘this one is clearly just full of plants. Besides, I think we can handle some primitive jungle man…or jungle women! ‘ he winked, cupped a pair of imaginary breasts in front of him and pretended to jiggle them around. No sooner had he finished, there was a whizzing noise as a dart shot out from within the trees and Joel fell from the jetski clutching his neck. Harry watched, frozen in panic, before he felt a stabbing pain in his thigh, slowly his world faded to black.

The latex catsuit crossdressing makeup fiction


Martin came to known as the artist. With streams of articulately crafted computer code. he would expertly design the most beautiful women the world had ever seen. Brave and rugged service agents would go into the capsule and
his wonderful latex-clad sculptures would come out. Even the harsh blonde woman. Ms. Williams. looked upon him with awe as he manipulated DNA like putty to create his army of vixens.

Sissy pink babydoll fiction


Having taken the attitute that blissful ignorance would be better than the torment of twenty girls emasculating him at a party, Felix agreed to let his sister issue the trigger word and he awoke the next morning in a pink babydoll and frilly pink panties, his hair in tight pigtails. It seemed Tori had known where the handcuff keys were all along… He quickly changed into the most masculine clothes in his wardrobe, pulling a pair of baggy jeans over his smooth waxed legs and combining it with an old Metallica t-shirt, using a sharpee to cover his pink nails. With his now long blonde hair, he just about pulled ofi a grungy rock look.

Whatever happened to crossdresser p-l-richards fiction


This week on Flashback Friday we revisit a familiar face in a not-so-familiar body. T’g aptioner p-l-richards found himself facing the wrath of Femnonymous as they sought to e an example of him to other cappers. Once captured, he was surgically transformed y the shadowy group and forced to use his creativity once more to pen the fates of others