Another Woman Fiction (tg caption)

Another Woman (tg caption)-1

Nic had just broken up with his girlfriend Kat to date another girl. He was told to go to the beach for a date with the new woman- He arrived to see the beach empty, and only Kat was there. “What are you doing here?” he asked Kat. “Getting revenge.” She replied, “I am
making it so you can’t date another woman, or at least a strait one.” What are you talking about,” he asked. “This.” She said then ran up to him and kissed him and then ran away. “What the heck.” he wondered.

He licked his lips as he was leaving, he tasted lipstick. He rubbed his lips to try and remove the lipstick and noticed it wasn’t gone. “Weird,” he thought. Suddenly he felt a tingle on his lips, then across his face. He felt his face, it was smoother, and then suddenly long dirty blonde hair go down his back. Suddenly the feeling went down his spine and down his legs. Suddenly he got shorter and he saw his legs get hairless, and then his butt tingled. He looked at it as his butt grew huge and he had a hot butt. Then his crotch hurt as he felt it contract, then his stomach got thinner and his arms shrank, and his hand grew feminine. Suddenly his chest hurt as his nipples expanded. He bent over as he suddenly grew boobs. Then suddenly he watched his clothes change into a pink, slutty bikini. He felt his groin, it tingled. Then he put his hands on his hips and looked at his new body. Suddenly Kat showed up. “How could you do this to me?” he asked her- “If you are going to get rid of me, I have to get revenge, this seemed like a good fit for you.” He looked down at himself one last time and then looked up, sighed, and took into realization that this was now him.


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