Fiction about your problem!


What am I?
No. A better question would be, what are you?
To use an old quote ‘I am woman. Hear me roar!’ But of course I wasn’t
always a woman. I use to be a man.

But you… Are you judging me for what I am now? Are you afraid of me?
Afraid of how I changed? Do you think it’s unnatural? Not right? That l
should be forced to change back, whether I like it or not? Whether I want
to change back or not? That I’m not right in the head? Or possibly
something less than human since I don’t want to go back to being a man?
If you think those things… Any of them, then you sir are something else.
Something I’d rather not say.

After all, it could be argued that by saying them… Possibly even thinking
the, that I’m lowering myself to your level.

Instead, you should be happy for me. Because now I am on the outside
whatl am on the inside. Sure it took a miracle in the form of a spell that let
me switch bodies with a girl who wanted to be a guy. But, it happened.
It’s done. I might have changed my race as well, but I’m now a woman.
Which is the important thing.

And if you can’t accept me for who I am, and what I am now, then that’s
your problem.

Now if you don’t mind, I need to finish my shopping. Goodbye.


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