Sissy needs a warm hearted friend


Sissy, is a 10-year-old Pomeranian mix. She has the most intriguing fur. It could be described as tortoise shell, typically a cat-fur description, however the word “brindle” just doesn’t do Sissy’s fur justice. Sissy was surrendered to PAWS when her previous guardian decided an old dog wasn’t for him. He missed out, because from what we’ve seen since meeting Sissy, she’s got some excellent years ahead of her.

adopt fee waived

In fact, the organization believes in her so much that PAWS is willing to waive Sissy’s adoption fee. But, only to the right home. Sissy is sweet, but she’s past the stage of having patience for little kids. Mature kids, a quiet home, and a lap to call her own, would be ideal for this loving pal. Let’s prove to Sissy that life can be good after, and humans are kind.


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