She’s got legs: she knows how to use them


I recently received another e-mail complaining that my skirts were too short for my height and/or my age (I am 6 feet 2 and 65 years old).

I think the height complaint is a non-starter. Tall women have long and shapely legs — who to better show off them off then by wearing short skirts?

Online, I found this about tall women and short skirts.

“Tall transgender women of all ages look great in a short skirt. As you grow out of your college-partying days, you will probably want to veer away from the ultra-short, ultra-tight mini skirt, but there’s nothing wrong with a skirt that ends at your fingertips or mid-thigh. If that seems too edgy, try a skirt that ends equidistant between your knees and your fingertips. A skirt this length will help prevent embarrassing Brittany-esque moments, but will still show off enough leg to make people take notice.”

I also found this.

Editor-at-Large from Glamour magazine Suze Yalof Schwartz appearing on Today said, “Her ‘rule of thumb’ (pun intended) is that a mini skirt’s hem should not be any shorter than a wearer’s thumb when the hands are at the side. I actually think, however, that you have to see the wearer and the garment and that rules like that don’t always apply across the board. Plus, the thumb line can be pretty short.

“For example, the wearer’s legs make a huge difference in whether a mini dress or skirt makes you look fabulous or half-naked. Take Real Housewife of New York City Kelly Bensimon, for instance… As a tan, statuesque (6′ 0″ – Ed.) former model, her style is synonymous with mini skirts. Are her skirts, shorts, and cross dresses a tad too short sometimes? Sure. But does she have great legs and all the business in the world rocking a style that shows off her inherent gam glory: Absolutely!”

Personally, I think that my legs are ok, but other people have convinced me that they are more so. My legs have always received good grades. My mother often said I had beautiful legs (and that “you should have been a girl with legs like yours”). My wife and other genetic crossdressing women have admitted that I have nicer legs then they do. Friends and strangers have praised my legs. A friend’s spouse even nicknamed me “Leggy.”

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Who am I to argue? The consensus is that I have great legs, so they meet the qualification to be shown and height is not a cause for disqualification.

But does my age disqualify me?

For starters, I don’t look (or act) my age. Even in boy mode, I look younger than my age. In girl mode, with makeup and a wig piled on, I look even younger. People often guess I am in my 40s. But what’s age got to do with it?

From the Internet again:

“To use her as an example yet again, Kelly Bensimon is 40 years old and not slowing down when it comes to donning miniskirts. I don’t think there should be any hard and fast rule about not wearing something after a certain age. The key is being honest with yourself about how you look in it.”

I honestly think I look good in short skirts despite my age, real or apparent. Until I am convinced otherwise, you will see my knees and more.

* You all probably recognize that line from ZZ Top’s hit recording “Legs.” I wonder if you remember a brief T-moment in the video for that song. In that video, leggy girls, who are dressed over-the-top, are shopping in a boutique outfitting another girl who is more conservatively dressed. The T-moment occurs when one of the leggy girls grabs a dress from a guy who is holding the garment up to himself to see how it fits/looks in it.



John Hansen (left) in the 1970 film The Christine Jorgensen Story