Server upgrade an aikocrossdresser fiction request


Aiko pursed her lips together with temptation as she sat impatiently on the stuffed-toy covered bed in her college dorm-room. She fidgeted with her sissy skirt as she watched the young computer techie sitting at her desk, tapping away furiously at the keys of her laptop, attempting to get it working again. Young as he was for a staff member, he was still a few years older than Aiko ‘s usual targets, but that didn ‘t stop Aiko from getting that familiar itch. She gazed at his slender figure hunched over while his fingers danced across her keyboard, every now and again he would stop to scratch his short brown hair and Aiko would find her determination to have her way grow ever stronger.

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Top Off Your Look With a Hat (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)


I do not wear hats because I must wear a wig and I think that the “crossdresser” circumference of my head with a wig is too big. But I have learned that the opposite maybe true, if you wear the correct hat (style and size). As in the previous post, its about the shape of your face. You can change the shape of the face, feminize your face by adding a hat with curves/movements and you can add to your overall image and style.

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The transgender prototype fiction


Ash strolled back into the lounge and sighed loudly. She was still there… It wasn ‘t supposed to
be like this at all…it was supposed to be great, she was going to make him meals and tidy up
after him and stuff, not this… His mother was still sitting in the armchair with her legs curled up
to her chest, a sketchpad on her knees while she drew frantically. Since losing her job at the toy
company, it was all she did, worlu’ng on some ‘big new idea ‘ that would be her key back into
business. For Ash it was just a key to getting in the way. He couldn ‘t watch what wanted on TV,
couldn ‘t invite who he wanted around, couldn ‘t listen to the music he wanted or at the volume
he wanted…he couldn ‘t even walk around the house naked. His mother wouldn ‘t approve
basically, she still saw him as her sweet uncorrupted angel… To make things worse she kept
staring at him… Every now and again, she would look up from her work and just study him. like
he was a painting in a gallery or something…

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Foundation of Your Face (Male to Female Transgender / Crossdressing Tips)


Foundation is an important makeup requirement for most of us. As males “travesti“, we probably did not take care of our skin, plus we have facial hair and large pores. I remember learning how to apply beard cover and trying to match the correct foundation color to my skin. It was difficult, time-consuming and required a lot of practice.


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